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Smoking affects your bladder also

Smoking affects your bladder :

As per myriad medical reports the world over, lung cancer is the No.1 killer cancer in the world, and one of the most common as well. This is closely followed by breast cancer. Yet, there are a number of types of cancer that can affect people all over the world.

 Bladder cancer is one of the most common types of cancer which takes place due to the abnormal growth of cells in the inner lining of the bladder. There are many causes of bladder cancer, including genetics and smoking as well as exposure to a number of chemicals. Read on to know more about the same, and why it is imperative to give up smoking to avoid bladder cancer or to treat it effectively.

Smoking: Smoking and the use of tobacco is one of the most important causes of bladder cancer. It is a common misunderstanding that smoking can only cause lung cancer. It can result in many kinds of cancer, including bladder cancer, because of the chemical exposure that arises when a person smokes. There are approx. 7,000 chemicals that are used when one cigarette is created, as per several studies and reports.

These can have a harmful effect on the various organs of the body. Smoking and its effect on the bladder: So what happens to the bladder when you smoke? Cigarettes contain a number of chemicals, which are mostly carcinogenic. These get into the urinary area and start to clog the inner lining of the bladder because they do not get flushed out like normal waste with the urine.

Ultimately, these chemicals begin to destroy the inner lining which leads to the accelerated and abnormal rate of cell growth in the region. This leads to the indication of a tumour, which may or may not be malignant. Urine and chemicals: When the chemicals from the cigarette begin to gather in the urinary tract, the bladder tends to remain in prolonged contact with this carcinogenic infested urine. This can lead to exposure to the elements, which can activate abnormal cell growth and troubles in the bladder.

These high concentration levels of toxins in the urine finally affect the functioning of the bladder. Smokers and non-smokers: As per several medical studies, those who do not smoke but have a family history of the condition, as well as other environmental aspects like exposure to certain types of chemicals in their workplace or other areas, maybe twice as sensitive to the growth of bladder cancer. But as per the similar studies and medical reports, those who smoke, are really 4 times more susceptible to bladder cancer. Thus, it is essential to stop smoking so as to prevent the beginning of this potentially fatal disease.