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Fingerprint whatsapp lock

Open WhatsApp through Fingerprint - How to Set This Feature


Whatsapp Android users who own the world's number one messaging app, Facebook.whatsApp previously offered this feature to iOS users. But now this feature is offered to users who use the Android beta can now open via Fingerprint. The fingerprint lock feature is now available for the WhatsApp version a
How to use :

         Go to the WhatsApp application and select  Settings by pressing the three dots that appear there. Then go to the account. Then when the privacy goes down, a fingerprint lock appears.  Enable the Unlock option here.The AutoMatic Lock shows you the option of how long the AutoMatic Lock should be immediately after it is enabled. Immediately asking if it should be locked after a minute or 30 minutes. If you select which option you want, the Fingerprint is locked. You do not have to press a finger again individually. WhatsApp Lock can be opened using all of the hand fingers that you have already given your fingerprint.

Not available at all:

You won't find this feature if you are using the WhatsApp application that most people use. This feature is only available if you are using WhatsApp beta application.
WhatsApp introduces any new specialties to the beta version first. It then extends the service to all users. If you want this version of WhatsApp, you need to uninstall the now used WhatsApp and go to the Play Store and install the WhatsApp beta app.

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